Taxes are always in the center of interest from the standpoint of state institutions and the taxpayers.
On the one hand, the interest of the state authorities is to collect the largest possible amount of taxes for functioning of the state, while on the other hand the interest of taxpayers is to have correct calculated and paid taxes with optimizing and maximizing tax obligations with respect to existing positive tax regulations and laws.
Our job is to give the right advice and to provide aforementioned tax optimization for clients.
Some of the tax advisory services we provide to our clients are:
- Consulting for income tax,
- Consulting for the avoidance of double taxation.
- Consulting for value added tax.
- Tax due diligence reports.
Law is a system of rules that are enforced through social institutions to govern behavior.Laws can be made by a collective legislature or by a single legislator, resulting in statutes, by the executive through decrees and regulations, or by judges through binding precedent, normally in common law jurisdictions.
Business Litigation
The field of commercially related litigation spans everything that your company might be suing others for or be sued by others against. We will make sure.
Real Estate Law
The real property market nuances and the laws regulating it are one of our biggest field of work. We will be protecting your best interest whatever the.
Labor & Employment Law
We’ll be glad to deal with any kind of employment litigation issues, such as unlawful termination, wage hack or discrimination of any kind, which you might have.